Saturday, November 24, 2007


Dear Readers,

It is with deep regret (and unbridled glee) that we announce the demise of our beloved (and wretched) friend, Lal S. He passed away (finally) last night. The hullabaloo was too much for him. It took its evil toll on his troubled (and diabolic) mind. We have been told that he died (or more fortunately not) in peace.

We all knew him as an irritating (and preposterous) character. Yet he, somehow, always managed not get on anyone's nerves. He was kind (and wise) enough not to intrude on anyone else's privacy. Always (quitet rightly so) minding his own business, he somehow became everyone's dear (antagonist). Even his enemies befriended him.

We hope that his mortal (and mortified) soul will finally find its rightful place in heaven (or hell). Please pay your condolences (and greetings) so that his soul might rest in peace.


By Whatever Name You Know Me


A concerned friend was kind enough to respond to the sad news. Quoting.

Dear Friend,

It is with a saddened heart and watery eyes that I receive this piece of news from you. The preposterousness of our modern times seems to have taken away our biggest inspiration and hope.

Just yesterday, Lal had remarked that he regarded restlessness as his forte. It is only heart-breaking to think that neither his soul, nor his body will ever be restless again. In other words, we shall never see Lal in his element again.

May his soul rest in peace. Amen.


PS The name has not been mentioned in order to protect the anonymity of the concerned author.


  1. Though I have an idea who he might be ;)

  2. "he somehow became everyone's dear"
    (laughing aloud)

    "Even his enemies befriended him"
    (Tee hee hee)

    "with a saddened heart and watery eyes"
    (writhing in laughter)

  3. It was better he was 'RIP'ped apart!!
